The Emerging Writer

Building Community

Last year I had the pleasure of being included in The Emerging Writer, produced by the Emerging Writers’ Festival as a compendium of advice and thoughts about the business of being a writer. I wrote a chapter on community; what that means, how you can find or build your own,…

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The Emerging Writer

Here she is, in all her glory, the 2013 edition of The Emerging Writer. Isn’t she pretty? I’m excited to have a chapter published in the book this year, talking about how vital community is to emerging writers and why it should be the focus of our energy rather than…

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The Emerging Writers’ Festival 2013

I’m pleased as punch to be hosting a panel at the 10th Emerging Writers’ Festival. It’s a festival unique in being for writers as much as it is about writers, and a highlight on the Melbourne literary calendar. In one of the earliest years I volunteered to assist the festival…

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